August 27, 2010

A major, major overdue update…

My eye has healed completely. Thank god. I thought I’d forever sport a swollen eye to work. :) So how have I been over the past few days? Pretty great. I love all the things I’m learning at training and I cannot wait until I go live. The pressure hasn’t sunk in yet. But the challenge is there to prove myself worthy of the position. I’m just thankful to be part of a solid support group. I have an awesome mentor and super-supportive teammates.

In my hiatus from the blogging world, it seems that a lot has happened. There’s the unfortunate hostage drama with the Hongkong tourists which was terribly heartbreaking. I know it’s pointless to compare. But haven’t they learned anything from the countless procedural dramas over the years? Someone needs to be subjected to marathon of Criminal Minds. I can only hope international relations between Hongkong and the Philippines will mend in time.

And who can forget the infamous “Major, major” eh? Venus Raj may have placed 4th in the 2010 Miss Universe pageant but she made the most impact with her Q&A blunder. Heck, she even made it to Yahoo! It was like Charlene’s “high tide or low tide?” all over again. You gotta love beauty pageants for giving you a goldmine of quotable quotes when it comes to the question and answer portion.


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